Our projects

LMS Support and Service Availability Policy

1.1 Support Does Not Include

(a) Maintenance of non-current versions (see clause 4.2)
(b) Customers not registered for support
(c) Hardware issues
(d) Independent software development
(e) Jo Academy supports major versions for two years after the first major iteration of that version was released
(f) Third-party application integrations, databases or third-party plugins
(g) Onsite support
(h) Data manipulation (e.g. bulk data modifications, restoring fr om backups)
(i) Direct communication with our Professional Services team.
(j) Support for end-users
2 Accessing Support and Creating a Support Request

2.1 Jo Academy support is provided via the channels listed below:

(a) Email: Optionally you can create a Support Request by emailing In this case, please pay extra attention to the guidelines for creating a support request (see below).
email us at support.b2b@joacademy.com
(b) Telephone: You can call us via mobile using the number of your dedicated account manager

2.2 A Support Request is deemed to have been received by us when:

(a) One of Your Jo Academy Contacts connects with one of our dedicated support team members via the Telephone channel listed above.
2.3 Guidelines for Creating a Support Request

Before you create a new Support Request, please refer to the following guidelines:
(a) How to provide all the required information to get your issue fixed quickly
(b) Have you checked our Support via our LMS?
(c) Are you one of your school’s dedicated Jo Academy LMS system coordinators'? If not, please either ask the school community or one of your school's core administrators:
2.4 Support Desk Hours of Operation

(a) Online support is provided during our Business Hours (8 am – 5 pm Sunday – Thursday.
(b) Telephone support is provided during our Business Hours (10 am – 5 pm Sunday – Thursday
(c) All support services are not provided during public holidays or scheduled support service disruptions (e.g. company holidays), wh ere we will aim to provide at least 24 hours notice to our Customers on one of our publicly visible channels (Websites or our company social
network profiles)
(d) Support request-response services levels are not affected outside the hours of operation.

If you are trying to reach our team outside of our hours of operation, please create a Support Request and we will respond as soon as possible.
2.5 Additionally, the following resources are available to support you:

(a) Jo Academy Help Centre

Located at your account, our Jo Academy Help Centre is your first stop for learning more about Jo Academy. Access to the Help Centre is granted by contacting your Jo Academy administrator and requesting an account. They will then follow the steps detailed on How to access the online training?. We encourage you to provide access to the Help Centre to all of your staff (teachers, administration, etc).
Some of the features included within the Help Centre are:

(i) Teacher training courses (requires an active subscription to our Online Teacher Training Course to access)
(iii) Release notes and roadmap information

3 Jo Academy Bug Fixing Policy

3.1 For the purpose of this policy, a bug means a defect, error or fault in the Jo Academy software, having an adverse effect on the appearance, operation, functionality or performance of the Software.
3.2 Our support includes helping you with workarounds and bug reporting.
3.3 Critical bugs will generally be fixed in the next maintenance release (also called minor releases).
3.4 Non-critical bugs will be scheduled according to a variety of considerations.
3.5 Our support team is eager and happy to help verify bugs. Please submit any issues by creating a Support Request.
3.6 Once we receive your bug report we will attempt to reproduce and verify the bug, then lodge the report for you. We'll also try to construct workarounds if they're possible.
4 How Jo Academy Approaches Bug Fixing

4.1 Minor (bug fix) releases come out more frequently than major releases and attempt to target the most critical bugs affecting our customers. The notation for a minor release is the final number in the version (i.e. the 1 in 3.0.1).
4.2 Only the current major release will be patched with bug fixes. For this reason, we recommend all customers aim to be running the current major release, to ensure access to the most bug-free version of the Service.
4.3 If a bug is related to a Critical issue (as per the table listed under clause 5.1) then it will be fixed in the next minor release provided that:
(a) The fix is technically feasible (i.e. it doesn't require a major architectural change).
(b) It does not impact the quality or integrity of a product.
4.4 For non-critical bugs, the developer assigned to fixing bugs prioritizes the non-critical bug according to these factors:
(a) How many of our supported configurations are affected by the problem.
(b) Whether there is an effective workaround or patch.
(c) How difficult the issue is to fix.
(d) Whether many bugs in one area can be fixed at one time.
4.5 The developers responsible for bug fixing also monitor comments on existing bugs and new bugs submitted to our Support Desk, so you can provide feedback in this way.
4.6 We give high-priority consideration to security-related issues.
4.7 When considering the priority of a non-critical bug we try to determine a 'value' score for a bug which takes into account the severity of the bug fr om the customer's perspective, how prevalent the bug is, and whether roadmap features may render the bug obsolete. We combine this with a complexity score (i.e. how difficult the bug is). These two dimensions are used when developers self-serve from any backlog of bugs or known issues.

5 Support Request Response Service Level Commitment

5.1 When we receive a Support Request, we categorize the Ticket and aim to respond within the time frames listed below, based on the Ticket’s perceived Level of Severity.

Level of Severity Description of Severity Response Time
Level 1 - Urgent (Critical) Critical Business Impact: the server is having major issues and requires immediate attention to prevent any damage or data loss. Your business is impacted heavily. You cannot wait and must have this responded to urgently. 2 hr
Level 2 - High Significant Business Impact: Some errors have appeared or the service is running slow, but the problem doesn't look to be getting worse (impacting users, requires a quick response and action). 5 hrs
Level 3 - Normal Minimal Business Impact: You want an answer but are happy to wait a maximum of three business days to get back to you with an initial response. 72 hrs
Level 4 - Low Normal Business Impact: Question, comment, documentation issue, another non-impacting issue, or issue occurring on a non-production system. 168 hrs

5.2 The table above is a guide to illustrate our internal response goals based on historic performance.
5.3 The response may not contain a resolution but it must be addressing the problem or elaborating.
5.4 Follow-up communication is not bound by these response times.
5.5 We make all reasonable efforts to reply to support-related emails within two Business Days.

5.6 While Jo Academy attempts to respond to all issues in a timely manner, issues that affect the Service Availability of our Customers' Production Instances (i.e. Level 1, Level 2) do take priority.
5.7 The support request-response service levels commitment described above is for business days only (weekend coverage is limited to L1 - L2 issues only).
6 Scheduled and Unscheduled Maintenance

6.1 Regularly scheduled maintenance time does not count as downtime. Maintenance time is regularly scheduled if it is communicated in advance of the maintenance time, via one of the following:
(a) Displayed a notice or delivered a Jo Academy notification on the screen to a sponsor, key contact, or support registered contact immediately after signing into the Jo Academy software; or
(b) By email to your Key Contact’s email address provided to us in Your Jo Academy Contacts; or
(c) By publishing a news post on any of our Websites that specifies downtime or maintenance.

6.2 Regularly scheduled maintenance is typically communicated at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance and is scheduled to occur at a time that should lim it the impact on our Customer's use of the Service.
6.3 Jo Academy in its sole discretion may take the Service down for unscheduled maintenance and in that event will attempt to notify our Customers in advance in accordance with the Notice section set forth below. Such unscheduled maintenance will be counted against the uptime guarantee.

7 Exclusion of Demo Service

11.1 Any Demo Service, staging, development, or test environments are expressly excluded from any uptime commitment.
8 Support Response and Service Availability Commitment Exclusions

The following exclusions apply to the Service Support Response Service Level Commitment and the Service Availability Commitment:
8.1 Any unavailability, suspension or termination or any other performance issues caused by:
(a) Circumstances beyond our reasonable control, including, for example, an act of God, the act of government, flood, fire, earthquake, civil unrest, the act of terror, strike or other labor problem (other than one involving Jo Academy employees), Internet service provider failure or delay, your hardware or software issues, a network or device failure external to the data centers we use, including at your site or between your site and our data center, Non-Jo Academy Application, or denial of service attack.
(b) Your use of a Service after we advised you to modify your use of the Service if you did not modify your use as advised.
(c) Regularly scheduled maintenance times as defined in clause 8.
(d) Technical issue with a third party, related to the provision of the service, that is outside of our control (for example, a non-operational AWS hosting service).
(e) That result from your unauthorized action or lack of action when required, or from your employees, agents, contractors, vendors, or anyone gaining access to our network by means of your passwords or equipment, or otherwise resulting from your failure to follow appropriate security practices.
(f) That result from faulty input, instructions, or arguments (for example, requests to access files that do not exist);
(g) That result from your attempts to perform operations that exceed prescribed quotas or that resulted from our throttling of suspected abusive behavior;
(h) For licenses or subscriptions not paid for at the time wh ere access to the cloud service/s is required by the Customer.
(i) Scheduled support service disruptions which affect our availability, as specified in clause 2.4 (d) and 2.4 (e).
9 Development

9.1 The development of the Jo Academy LMS platform is ongoing. Customer feedback and suggestions relating to the ongoing development of Jo Academy LMSis encouraged. The continuing development of the Jo Academy LMS is at the discretion of Jo Academy LMS.

10 Releases

10.1 Jo Academy LMS is continually under development and being updated. These updates will be made available in the form of releases. We typically class these releases into Minor and Major Releases.
10.2 Major Releases shall occur approximately every six months but can be more or less frequent at our discretion. Release frequency will be dependent on the development of new features and updates or fault fixes to existing features.
10.3 It will be the responsibility of Jo Academy to install and maintain changes between releases. Each release will be accompanied by a change log (also referred to as Release Notes) detailing all changes.
10.4 Each release will be pre-released to a Staging server prior to deployment into their Production server. During this period we encourage all customers to test all functionality to help identify any issues prior to deployment into Production.
10.5 Critical updates including security or useability fault fixes may be released independently, typically as a Minor Release.
10.6 A security or useability fault must be reported to Jo Academy via the online Submit a Support Request Form or email and include all required information.
11 Your Obligations

To enable Jo Academy to provide a consistent level of service the following is required by you, the Customer:
11.1 You must ensure your Key Contact and Support Registered Users hold and maintain a reasonable level of knowledge and understanding of the Subscription Services in order to administer the Jo Academy software. This includes but is not limited to
(a) Being proactive in learning as much as possible about how the software works.
(b) Reading and understanding all of our release notes within a reasonable amount of time after publishing them, including attending our new release webinars
(c) Reading and understanding any communications sent from us relating to the product or our services
(d) Changes to our service offerings
(e) Change to our policies

This is best achieved by subscribing to and regularly checking our Websites, particularly our Jo Academy Help Centre.

11.2 It is the responsibility of Your Jo Academy Contacts to inform us of any change in the appointment of those contacts so that we can keep our systems up to date. Upon request, Jo Academy can supply a list of Your Jo Academy Contacts.