We are thrilled to introduce several new features and enhancements in this latest release of our Learning Management System (LMS):

Mobile Push Notifications

Receive push notifications on your mobile devices, keeping you informed about assignments, exams, and announcements on the go.

Learning Objectives Module

*Integration with LMS Modules:

  • Lesson Module: Seamlessly link lessons to learning objectives.
  • Lesson Attachments Module: Attach files and resources directly to learning objectives.
  • Homework Module: Connect homework assignments to specific learning objectives.
  • Assignment Module: Manage various assignments and associate them with learning objectives.
  • Online Exams Module: Administer online exams linked to learning objectives.
  • Quizzes Module: Create quizzes aligned with learning objectives.
  • Question Builder Module: Build custom questions and question banks mapped to learning objectives.
* Bloom's Taxonomy Tree Structure:

  •  Configure the Learning Objectives Module to display a visual tree structure representing Bloom's Taxonomy. This aids teachers in selecting and associating appropriate concepts and skills with learning objects.

Lesson Planning Module

*Customizable Fields:
  • Admins can configure lesson planning fields, including title, learning objectives, resources, activities, and assessments.
  • Grade-Level and Section Specific Plans:
  • Educators can create tailored lesson plans for different grade levels and sections, ensuring accurate scheduling and organization.
  • Printable Custom Templates:
  • Utilize customized template printing for lesson plans, curriculum maps, and unit plans. Printed plans include essential details for comprehensive understanding

Grading System Enhancements

*Average Calculation Model:
  • Added an average calculation model to grades, providing a comprehensive view of student performance.
*Certification Model:
  • Improved certification model for better tracking and evaluation of student achievements.
Assessment Enhancements

• Various improvements to assessment creation and management, enhancing the overall user experience.
Third-Party Integrations

Jo Academy E-School Integration:

  • Seamlessly integrate with Jo Academy E-School, enhancing the platform's functionality.

MeritHub Integration:

  • Integrate with MeritHub, offering additional resources and support to our users.
  • Video conferencing integration for virtual classrooms, enabling real-time interaction between teachers and students.

Enhanced Messaging System

*User Selection:
• Students and parents can now select users by class, section, or subject when using the messaging system, streamlining communication within the platform.
In-App Notifications

Now, teachers and students can stay updated with in-app notifications, ensuring important messages are never missed.